
Don't Let the Storm Be in You

Get rid of all bitterness, rage, and anger…Ephesians 4:31

Only the fool among us would think this journey free from any kind of bitterness, rage or anger. We are too human, too frail, too broken by what has transpired to suggest we can easily dispatch such powerful emotions.

Our child is less than whole. Our dreams for him and for our life are shattered. Our future stretches out with more uncertainty than we can imagine. The holes that have been punched in our plans, in our future, in the very fabric of our day-to-day lives make it easy for every kind of emotion to spill into us.

Our spirit, our heart, even our faith is put at risk, threatened by such as bitterness, rage, and anger.

But we must not let them win. They cannot be allowed to overtake us, to become the defining traits of our character. We must not permit them to squeeze us in such manner as to make of us an empty, dried out husk of what we were before this child arrived.

Buried in the line from St. Paul’s letter to the church at Ephesus is this abiding truth: You can be a in a storm. You don't have to let the storm be in you.

This is a truth that we as the parents of disabled children must hang onto, claim for ourselves and live out in the days and months ahead.

Make no mistake: Life with a disabled child is a storm. It’s a big, angry, dark storm filled with pelting rains and rolling thunder and frequent lightning strikes. The winds blow long and hard and threaten to peel away our hope, our peace, our faith. The rains threaten to erode the foundations of our life, our human existence.

We find it easy to lose our way in such darkness.

But if we strive to keep the storm on the outside, we find it possible to navigate such tough times. By taking hold of the promises of God, by letting the very hand of the almighty take us, shape us, guide us and our child, we can keep the storm out rather than letting it well up within us.

It’s not an easy or a carefree time. The road will never again come easy. The storm will come and go in its ferocity. So we must always do what we can to keep the bitterness, the rage, the anger far from us. They are emotions that have no place in our lives and they can not be permitted even the smallest of footholds within in our hearts or spirits or even our words.

When you find even a hint of them, dig them out by the root, cast them far, and see to it that you flee from those who would encourage you to make them a friend.

Only the fool among us would think this journey free from any kind of bitterness, rage or anger. We are too human, too frail, too broken by what has transpired to suggest we can easily dispatch such powerful emotions.

Our child is less than whole. Our dreams for him and for our life are shattered. Our future stretches out with more uncertainty than we can imagine. The holes that have been punched in our plans, in our future, in the very fabric of our day-to-day lives make it easy for every kind of emotion to spill into us.

Our spirit, our heart, even our faith is put at risk, threatened by such as bitterness, rage, and anger.

But we must not let them win. They cannot be allowed to overtake us, to become the defining traits of our character. We must not permit them to squeeze us in such manner as to make of us an empty, dried out husk of what we were before this child arrived.

Buried in the line from St. Paul’s letter to the church at Ephesus is this abiding truth: You can be a in a storm. You don't have to let the storm be in you.

This is a truth that we as the parents of disabled children must hang onto, claim for ourselves and live out in the days and months ahead.

Make no mistake: Life with a disabled child is a storm. It’s a big, angry, dark storm filled with pelting rains and rolling thunder and frequent lightning strikes. The winds blow long and hard and threaten to peel away our hope, our peace, our faith. The rains threaten to erode the foundations of our life, our human existence.

We find it easy to lose our way in such darkness.

But if we strive to keep the storm on the outside, we find it possible to navigate such tough times. By taking hold of the promises of God, by letting the very hand of the almighty take us, shape us, guide us and our child, we can keep the storm out rather than letting it well up within us.

It’s not an easy or a carefree time. The road will never again come easy. The storm will come and go in its ferocity. So we must always do what we can to keep the bitterness, the rage, the anger f

ar from us. They are emotions that have no place in our lives and they can not be permitted even the smallest of footholds within in our hearts or spirits or even our words.

When you find even a hint of them, dig them out by the root, cast them far, and see to it that you flee from those who would encourage you to make them a friend.

Importance of a Portfolio

Importance of a Portfolio


Welcome to my special education teaching e-portfolio. This website will highlight my work throughout the journey of completing a Master’s in Education with an emphasis on Cross-Categorical Special Education through Grand Canyon University. Born and raised in diversified learning environments relocating to New York and Puerto Rico, from public education system to post-secondary education to graduate (e.g., Catholic to Christian education) natural to choose Grand Canyon University to complete a Masters of Education Cross Categorical Special Education as my stepping stone for being as lawyer.

About me

My name is LaVelle Figueroaa, I am currently attending Grand Canyon University I am M.Ed. Cross Categorical with a concentration in Special Education. In addition I have a MS In Criminal Justice at Everest University formally known as Florida Metropolitan University Online . My undergraduate degree was Criminology, which obtained at the Pontifical University Catholic University of Rico Last but not least, I also acquired Associates of Science in Homeland Security at Everest University Online formerly Florida Metropolitan Online. Here you will find a collection of my work and personal philosophies relating to each CEC standard. I hope that you enjoy exploring my site!!!

I guess you nay wondering why I want to be come a "Special Education teacher"? The answer is that I, as a teacher, I can be of aid those student in Special Education, in addition, those who have drug and alcohol problems since I have taken some Christian counseling at Liberty University.

Importance of a Teaching Portfolio

There exist array of reasons for an educator’s to e-portfolio. The foremost reason to use an e-portfolio is to implement it as a double-edged sword utilized as a learning tool and/or to present our outlooks and beliefs; it is our presentation card for our prospective/current employer(s). We must integrate our interpersonal skills, education and knowledge so that you prospective employers distinguish you from other interviewees. It may facilitate the process of us modifying our behavior and accept our weaknesses and strengths as well, so that we to correct our mistakes. This is the way we can improve our competencies and proficiency as well ability to acquire knowledge from our peers. Thus far a teaching portfolio is a gate to present our outlooks and beliefs, as well, to share our ideas or thoughts with our prospective or current employers, as a result these outlooks and beliefs which can facilitate the professional development of our co-co-workers and our own too. In addition, I would say that, it is our personal presentation card, the moment any employer needs to know our educational / professional development and our contributions to the field of education. Briefly, an e-portfolio is vital tool we as educators integrate an innovative to illustrate how the discipline of education is highly influenced by the Internet. Since education, technology has influenced positively the student and society throughout a whole lifespan. Technology and education go hand on hand so we can positively affect our professional development, and learning acquisition skills.  My e-portfolio and blog cannot be an additional resource on the web; it is where you can share information, techniques and where you show your advances and knowledge.  This e-portfolio and blog will include the following artifacts personal information, Educational v. teaching philosophies artifacts, outline of unit goals and curriculum, professional development and much more.

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